It's time...

So far, this has been a weird game. If XIII-2 was SE trying o make people like XIII by taking ideas from Chrono Trigger and putting a X-2 spin on things, then Lightning Returns is taking ideas from Majora's Mask and putting a Valkyrie Profile spin on it. I am not terribly far into the game. Still knee deep in the first mission involving the cult. Since it is so early, I won't be really doing a Pro/Con thing yet for this post.

I will say that I find a lot of the writing in the game o be cringy and I'm kind of annoyed with the whole "I don't have feelings" nonsense. Especially since Lightning has conveyed a wider range of feelings within the first twenty minutes of the game than she has for the two previous games combined. It wouldn't bother me so much if Light and Hope didn't keep bringing it up every few minutes with their dialogue. The combat system is also very clunky. Being an Action RPG system that is still very much tethered to XIII's brand of ATB. I haven't found a good flow for it yet. The customization sounds interesting, but we'll get there when we get there. The rule where only completing missions garners stat increases is some serious SaGa level nonsense, but I'm here for it.

So we'll see if LR can hold my attention long enough to finish the XIII trilogy proper.